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Trade with everyone


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Great idea!!


Also I think, no one has much left after an atomic desaster...


...so I think, every one want to change his situation... if possible.


"What...no money? Ok, lets share something equivalent."->its an option, eh?


Would be cool, this possibility.

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"What...no money? Ok, lets share something equivalent."->its an option, eh?

When you trade with person. you already see his/her inventory and can trade equivalent items without using of bottle caps. And if this person has no caps, you still can finish trading and therefore gift items.


So I believe mod shall be easy - just to turn on trading with everyone. But I have no idea how to do that, as Im not good with Oblivion scripting and databases...

Any help, please?

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"What...no money? Ok, lets share something equivalent."->its an option, eh?

When you trade with person. you already see his/her inventory and can trade equivalent items without using of bottle caps. And if this person has no caps, you still can finish trading and therefore gift items.


So I believe mod shall be easy - just to turn on trading with everyone. But I have no idea how to do that, as Im not good with Oblivion scripting and databases...

Any help, please?


Oh, I'm sorry for that mistake...


I only meaned, that not all NPC shall have bottle caps, but want to start trading with PC and have some goods to share.


Hope you know what I mean.

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I've figured out about f3 mods. There are 2 different types of files, and 2 editors. The first one about textures, radio, voices, mechs. And Oblivion's editor can alter it. Second is NPC dialogs, quests, game scripts and such. And we have to wait till developers give us F3 editor for this file. The Oblivion's one doesn't help.


Now we still can cheat:

Stand before person, enter console (tilda), and click on person, try untill you get his/her name with hex code in the top of screen. Once done, type

additem code number

where code is item code, and number is number of item to be given.

If it's best item - person will equip it momentally.


I hope we will get a mod once they finish the editor.

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