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Got to eat!!


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You should add a mod that makes it so you have to eat and drink. Also it adds real diseases and you have to clean wounds etc. The point is to make skyrim more realistic i mean who runs into underground caves without food, water, ohhh wait i foregot your dragon born u dont need to eat, sleep, even take a piss! So someone do someting!
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You should add a mod that makes it so you have to eat and drink.


Needs mods were actually some of the first projects that were released after the CK came out. Total Realism and Imps More Complex Needs are the two big ones, but there are other, lesser known variations on the concept out there too. Running a Nexus search for "needs" will turn up a whole bunch of them.


There are also a few disease mods out there, some of which add visual effects, others which make them more deadly, etc. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "real diseases", but again, running a Nexus search for "disease" will give you some options.


I'm not sure what's out there for wounds, apart from a few fairly popular mods that disable automatic health regen on the PC and NPCs. Here is one example.


As for taking a piss, well, that hasn't happened yet, to the best of my knowledge. But who knows, it might. There was a hygiene mod for Oblivion that included such a feature.

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