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How to make a prisoner?


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I'm trying to use NPCPrisonerFloorSit with my NPC. So I gave him a CaptiveFaction, linked him with this furniture marker, but it doesn't work.


In vanilla game there are many of these furniture markers placed in the world, and they aren't connected to anything, so I really wonder how it's possible it works.


Please can someone explain me what I'm missing?

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You mean the way SKK50 described? Because I'm kinda puzzled by his advice. :confused:

no i don't know s#*! about scripting, i just dropped the marker and npc marker linked them and they just work like you wanted i quess

also i never looked realy into this stuf, but i found out it work this way, there are some markers around in the game, they are used for the quests, i think skk refer to those

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Alright, I carefully copy/pasted all the stats from PrisonerSettlerMale, and it works... somehow... Firstly it didn't work - he just standed there. Then I slept for one hour, and suddenly he got into that knee position. But when I talk to him, he just says classic generic phrases like "Yes? Yeah? Huh?" - I cannot set him free. Did you manage to rescue your Settler prisoner?

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