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How to make a prisoner?


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Alright, I carefully copy/pasted all the stats from PrisonerSettlerMale, and it works... somehow... Firstly it didn't work - he just standed there. Then I slept for one hour, and suddenly he got into that knee position. But when I talk to him, he just says classic generic phrases like "Yes? Yeah? Huh?" - I cannot set him free. Did you manage to rescue your Settler prisoner?



no with the prisoner it only say huh yea

but if you replace the prisoner with this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t9MJTgawMvSSsId6dyADI3bDtmdMP5m0/view?usp=sharing

then it works fine, the prisoner don't have the right scripts, while the captive have those

and when speaking to her/him you can release them like this



lil side note pay attention to the link, (custom), it was mention in the scrips

Edited by speedynl
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That LinkCustom01 only defines the color of the link line, I suppose. But I used it anyway, and now it works... usually, but not always. Thanks again, now I can move on to my another problem, and that is that my custom vendor doesn't want to initiate a dialogue with me... :happy:


If you want, you can look at it by yourself. Everything important is related to TZGrygorovich.

Edited by Andyno
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He already has MaleBoston Voice Type. I think that he has set wrong Faction and/or AI Packages, but that's just a guess.


His Factions are: GenericNPCFaction, MinutemenFaction, and TZGrygorovichVendorFaction

His AI Package is: DefaultSandboxEditorLocation

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