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De-Level mod with rare loot occuring almost never?


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Hey guys,

I was wondering if there is a mod that de-levels Skyrim (NPC´s, Bosses, Loot, ...) but doesnt give me good loot all the time. For example I used Skyrim Unleashed and loved it but I found myself wearing some ebony armor already after I only completed Dragon Rising.

I hope you guys understand what I mean and you can point me in the rigth direction. Thanks :)

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Hey thanks for the reply acidzebra. I actually don´t like Morrowloot, I still want to find equipment where it doesn´t belong but I want to find it not as often as in Skyrim Unleashed.

As for Skyrim Scaling Stopper: I found this mod but thought it was the exact same thing as Unleashed. Can you confirm that good loot is more rare as in Unleashed?

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