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Bullet creation


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Unfortunately, any casing manufacturing facilities would have been destroyed as "military targets" in the war. All is not necessarily lost, though. It's reasonable to suggest that parts of these facilities may have survived or more likely, their methods. We have stimpacks after all, which someone in another thread suggested are just stem cells in a syringe. Given the average intelligence of most wastelanders, it's hard to believe that more than 200 years after technology has faded that Joe Schmo can just whip up a batch of stims... but following some instructions, he might have some hope.


The BOS and enclave are two factions that are more then capable of advanced manufactoring (power armour etc) & bullets are not hard to make and even easier to reload.

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If we are going to see a mod for this then I suggest that the propellents be a compound from "My First Laboratory" while the actual hand loading be done at the workbench. Right now the Laboratory sucks, I brewed dirty water...stuff I could've gotten from any toilet! :rolleyes:
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they could have borrowed the Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords crafting system. that was a good one. you broke down items into "components" or "Chemicals" and then you could use your imagination as to what they were. to create an Item, you simply used an x amount of either one. the higher your repair skill, the less needed, and the more you could create.
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