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Dance of death console command.


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  • 2 months later...

i have the same problem and cant find that number of console command thing can someone please give it to me ?


"a Lesser Power, "The Dance Of Death," which launches a menu that allows for customisation of your killmove experience"


Try to do this in console:


help "dance of" *- (WITH quotes)-this should list all stuff what has "dance of" in its name. if you see something like {SPEL "The Dance of Death" XXXXXXXX} (XXXXXXXX is the hexadecimal code for the spell the first 2 number is the loading order, so probably not the same as for other ppl. the others are same for everyone) then thats the spell what you need. then you need to add it to the player with player.addspell XXXXXXXX. so:


help "dance of"

----console response: SPEL "The Dance of Death" XXXXXXXX ----

player.addspell XXXXXXXX



Hope it works

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