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Easier to Spot Mines


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I love playing a Sneaky Sniper character and as such I use a LOT of mines.


Would love to see a Mod that makes mines placed by the Player a lot easier to see. I have pooched myself several times by not picking up unused mines. I would place 3-4 of them, and thinking that I had retrieved the ones that had not detonated, only to have a 'friendly' character step on one 2-3 quests later.


This happened to me at 'Project Purity' a few times. A mod to make your mines easier to spot would be nice. I have no problem with the rest of the mines and traps.


I had an idea to make a keybind to 'Show Mines' (your mines only) that would place an arrow over it or make them brighter.


I mean really, if you placed a mine on the Battle Field, you should know where you put it.

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