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Hunger/Thirst Mod


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Real World Concept: Humans need to eat!

Corresponding Game Mechanic: For every 4 hours awake, characters need to eat or incur a -1 to both PCI (PCI = the "mental" abilities of Perception, Charisma, and Intelligence) and SEA (SEA = the "physical" attributes of Strength, Endurance, and Agility) attributes. Every 2 hours after that characters will incur an additional -1 to both PCI and SEA attributes. For each SEA attribute that falls to 1 and the character continues to not eat, the character will lose 1 HP every hour. For example, if all 3 SEA attributes fall to 1, the character will lose 3 HP per hour until food is consumed.

Current solution: Since there is currently no mod for this that I know of, my solution is to simulate this requirement by eating one food item item whenever I pause to rest for an hour (using the wait function).


Real World Concept: Humans need to drink!

Corresponding Game Mechanic: For every hour awake, characters need to drink or incur a -1 to both PCI and SEA attributes. Every hour after that characters will incur an additional -1 to both PCI and SEA attributes. For each SEA attribute that falls to 1 and the character continues to not drink, the character will lose 2 HP every hour. For example, if all 3 SEA attributes fall to 1, the character will lose 6 HP per hour until drink is consumed.

Current solution: Since there is currently no mod for this that I know of, my solution is to simulate this requirement by drinking one drink item item whenever I pause to rest for an hour (using the wait function).

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