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Some small things that could make a big difference...


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I know I've got another thread here, but this is unrelated, and already a collection of a few other ideas. Just a few small details that I think could make a big difference!


I am not a crook!

Anyone else irritated by the fact that every NPC will constantly berate you for just looking around a room? I'm not even TRYING to steal anything and they keep spouting such accusations as, "Yes that's locked, and yes I see you eying it." EYING IT!? I swept my vision across it for two seconds! Looks like this AI was programmed with patented "feminist who thinks all men are constantly staring at her chest" technology! It's irritating, especially considering every NPC says the same two phrases over and over, and there's only like 10 voice actors in this entire freaking game!


Could we get a mod to reduce the frequency in which they say this? Or, hell, make them NEVER say it! Oooh, a really cool variation would be, they rarely say it if you're Neutral, never say it if you're Good, and say it as often as they do now if you're Evil, but that may be too complex...



I don't want to ACTUALLY fall asleep...

It's nitpicking, but could we get a mod so that waiting and sleeping are instant, rather than you having to actually wait for it to tick down? If the game NEEDS to do this to properly calculate NPC positions/etc. or something, then that's understandable. Also, would it be possible to increase the meter so that we can wait/sleep for longer than 24 hours in one go?



Excuse me, but are you bleeding profusely?

I'm not sure how the game decides when it will or will not show you an NPC's health bar, but I'd like to be able to control it. Could we get a mod that any time your weapon is out, you can see the health bar of any enemy you target over? It'd be really handy for temporary followers or deciding if you stand a chance ambushing that three-man Outcast detachment who just finished a firefight with some Raiders...

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I know I've got another thread here, but this is unrelated, and already a collection of a few other ideas. Just a few small details that I think could make a big difference!


I am not a crook!

Anyone else irritated by the fact that every NPC will constantly berate you for just looking around a room? I'm not even TRYING to steal anything and they keep spouting such accusations as, "Yes that's locked, and yes I see you eying it." EYING IT!? I swept my vision across it for two seconds! Looks like this AI was programmed with patented "feminist who thinks all men are constantly staring at her chest" technology! It's irritating, especially considering every NPC says the same two phrases over and over, and there's only like 10 voice actors in this entire freaking game!


Could we get a mod to reduce the frequency in which they say this? Or, hell, make them NEVER say it! Oooh, a really cool variation would be, they rarely say it if you're Neutral, never say it if you're Good, and say it as often as they do now if you're Evil, but that may be too complex...






I think it is a good thing for NPCs to watch out for their items chests... it is an unforgiving cruel world and everyone tries to watch his back... But if you want to disable them, maybe you can find the audio files for that phrases, replace them with no sound audio files... that way you can silence them, but I dont know how to, since I am no modder... I am not really annoyed by the other things you mentioned...

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Well I can totally understand them being protective. But there's a difference between being protective and having every single person in Moriarty's yell at you simultaneously with one of two canned phrases every time you happen to even sweep your vision past a bottle of jack.


That's also why I proposed the karma fix. I mean, once you've got good karma and disarmed the bomb the people in Megaton love you enough to chase you down every time they see you in town and give you their scrounged up life savings... And then immediately after yell at you that the armory, "is locked for a reason".

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  • 5 months later...



Is already done. Mod is somewhere on nexus. Using it already for ages.




Can be done easily. Just make a new Sleep menu and apply it to the beds in game. Now, once you click on the bed, your new menu pops up. You choose the hours you wanna sleep (could even be month or years), then make some tricks with the function "SetPCSleepHours". This makes it nearly instant, but if you want the PC sleep more than 5 days, you must combine it with setgameday function.

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