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Ammo Weight Mod


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Real World Concept: Ammo is heavy!


Corresponding Game Mechanic: Ammo has weight per round. I am told that the game will not recognize weights less than 0.1 pounds. That being the case, giving all small arms ammo and energy ammo a weight of 0.1 would be about 3.5 times heavier than real life. Large ammo will obviously weigh more. Missiles and mini-nukes should weigh 5 pounds, and spikes should weigh 0.25 or 0.5.


Minimum weight of 0.1 workaround: Increase the weight of all items in the game by a factor of 10. Wait, keep reading! Once the weight of all in-game items in increased, increase the carry capacity of the player character (modified normally by STR) by 10 times too. This way, the player character can still carry exactly the same amount of junk as before. Once these changes are in, THEN you can give ammo very close to a realistic weight. (click here for some weight stats for different types of ammo.) Using 5.56 as an example, you could assign each round a weight of 0.25, or if the game will recognize two decimal places, then 0.2 or 0.3 would work as well for a close approximation of realistic weight.


Current solution: Since there is currently no mod for this that I know of, my solution is to self-limit the amount of ammo that I carry on my character. I store most of my ammo in my house and I carry between 50 and 300 rounds per weapon on me depending on the weapons I am currently carrying.

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I'll pioneer this mod if I can figure out (or someone tells me) where the weight values are for armor, weapons, and ammo. I know where to locate the weight values for all the "junk" at the moment, as well as the strength modifier and base carry values. Armor, weapons, and especially ammo, on the other hand, seem to all have their weight values in different areas. I could probably figure out where the gun and armor values are eventually.


To me, it's almost impossible to tell where the weight value for ammo would be though, since they're all considered 0. There's quite a lot of 0 values in that code :confused:

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I'll pioneer this mod if I can figure out (or someone tells me) where the weight values are for armor, weapons, and ammo. I know where to locate the weight values for all the "junk" at the moment, as well as the strength modifier and base carry values. Armor, weapons, and especially ammo, on the other hand, seem to all have their weight values in different areas. I could probably figure out where the gun and armor values are eventually.


To me, it's almost impossible to tell where the weight value for ammo would be though, since they're all considered 0. There's quite a lot of 0 values in that code :confused:




If you make a mod for this you will officially be my hero!


If it is not too much trouble while you are adjusting weight values, could you make a separate component that also adds weight to the drugs? Something along the lines of...


Pills = 0.1

Auto Injectors (stim-packs, psycho) = 1

Rad-Away (it's a bag of liquid) = 10


Note that these are my suggestions for the new 10X values, not unmodded values. Pills are not heavy, but a bottle of Buff-Out is certainly not weightless either.


Thanks BlindSniper! You are THE MAN!

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Hey, I'm excited to use a mod like this as well :thumbsup:


I'll be doin my best, though if *anyone* knows where that weight value for ammo is, please tell me, this is something that could take all day trying to find out. I'll get started on this tonight, though if someone's already doing this, please tell me.


I agree completely with the pill/syringe/rad-bag weights, so I won't be needing to make a separate version as I'll be using that for myself. Unless you really wanted it to be separate for some reason.


I'll look up the ammo weights and try to be as accurate as possible with them. I suspect the .25 value may not work, as it goes into the hundredths that seem to be unaccounted for, which is why we have to go through this trouble in the first place. :confused:


For junk like vacuum cleaners, I'll most likely stick with the original values(x10) unless I have some sort of strong opinion about them.


I may make a separate version (which I'll probably use myself) that will give a 0.1 weight to caps as well. That's heavier than caps should be even after scaling everything else 10x, but I like the idea. Essentially without the 10x scaling, 1000 caps would equal out to 10 pounds (100 pounds with the 10x scaling). I don't think most people walk around with all the wealth they've got on them, and at a certain point you would want to consider stashing those caps away until you're wanting to go "shoppin."


Hopefully this'll only take a couple days to make. A good few of us (including myself) are likely college folks who've got finals looming not too far away.

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Actually I just thought, I doubt there would be any 0's. The reason being is that when the game prints the weight it prints --, this means that the variable has to return -- as it does not display as a value, so you find out where -- is returned and it should hopefully find the attribute your returning from. For all we know it could be IF Weight == NULL then Return string Weight "--" end IF. So looking for a 0 value sounds a bit pointless.
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Actually I just thought, I doubt there would be any 0's. The reason being is that when the game prints the weight it prints --, this means that the variable has to return -- as it does not display as a value, so you find out where -- is returned and it should hopefully find the attribute your returning from. For all we know it could be IF Weight == NULL then Return string Weight "--" end IF. So looking for a 0 value sounds a bit pointless.


Well that could be possible, but it could make changing the values either much harder or easier. If it expects a string instead of a float, then we're fairly "boned." I'll definitely look for a value containing that, to be honest I almost hope I don't find that.


As far as I know, with the tools we have, we have no means to access the actual if-statement coding to change that either.


Should I not find a "--", I might have to resort to guess and check tactics.

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I already spent a literal day looking at the hex for ammo and trial and error changing the values, nothing changes the weight. I found out how to change the name and value of the ammo, but nothing removes the -- with a weight value.


I really think Bethe never included an entry for weight in ammo. That leads us to a whole new problem of, where would you add this entry, as a new subrecord, or just an extra hex value. I tried adding random hex values to ammo and that didnt do anything to the weight either.

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I already spent a literal day looking at the hex for ammo and trial and error changing the values, nothing changes the weight. I found out how to change the name and value of the ammo, but nothing removes the -- with a weight value.


I really think Bethe never included an entry for weight in ammo. That leads us to a whole new problem of, where would you add this entry, as a new subrecord, or just an extra hex value. I tried adding random hex values to ammo and that didnt do anything to the weight either.


I had a fear of that. It'd really be a shame to leave out the ability to mod something like that out of likely laziness.


I don't doubt you looked through it thoroughly, but I'd like to give it my own shot before I give up.

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