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More silenced weapons


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A silenced version of the sniper rifle would not be unappreciated. If you're gonna be able to pop someone's head from the edge of your draw distance, you might as well be able to do it quietly so that the Yao Guai lurking 50m to your left doesn't hear the shot and turn you into a chew-toy while you're looking for a second target. That's happened to me twice now; the first warning I had was a roar right next to me then I was suddenly missing half my HP. Having a 100% Sneak skill doesn't make much difference when your weapon can be heard for miles.


Also, a crossbow would make a good stealth weapon. The animations are there already (dart gun)- and a low-tech, ultra-quiet ranged weapon like that makes perfect sense in Post-Apocalyptia. Add a scoped crossbow for distance shots, but add a significant dropoff compared to firearms. For extra laughs, combine with the pin-to-wall effect from the railspike gun and make a HL2 crossbow clone. I'm usually against cross-universe weapon mods, but that one fits the mold perfectly and has to be my favorite stealth weapon of all time.


More options = good. The silenced 10mm is a little on the weak side for assassinating anything meaner than a raider.

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I don't even understand why there isn't a silenced sniper rifle... as a previous poster said, what use is sneaking in and snipering someone with a high sneak skill if everyone hears the shot?!


Then again, I don't know why the Hunting Rifle doesn't have a scope, either. :(


Oh, and I'd LOVE to see a home-made crossbow (another use for rail spikes!) in this game! Shorter range than the Sniper Rifle, but more damage and silent.

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Clearly, the sniper rifle should be silenced for sneak characters. Too often, the first shot brings a gang of raiders or deathclaws. Scope upgrade would be a nice option as well. Often need 3-5 headshots to kill, so a silencer would make it harder for the victim to locate the sniper. Crossbows sound fun, what about explosive ammo for the dart gun, and some guns? The silenced 10mm appears to shoot BB's, judging by the number of shots it requires to kill anything.
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Agreed heartily!

My "Special Ops" style infiltration character is tough to play when I only get one shot off before I alert the whole building! The silenced 10 mm only does so well, even with various damage mods. I'd like to see a silenced sniper rifle, a silenced G3, maybe a silenced 10 mm submachine gun.


Do want. Please make.

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