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Some love for Mage Robes.


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I have been browsing Nexus for a very long time, since Fallout 3. Since Skyrim came out, I have downloaded tons of mods, and I have noticed something:


There are almost no mods that add epic robes (specially male ones) for mages, usually there are tons of light/heavy armor for warriors and rogues, but few things for mages, just retextures and the ability to use Graybeard or Psijic robes...

Even a mod that added the Dragon Age 2 Mage armor has been left before it was completely finished.



My request is a rather difficult one, I imagine, seeing as the model has lots of details that are not just textures.

It is a set of robes from the game RIFT (MMORPG), which in my opinion, is one of the best looking robes ever created in a game.






If someone needs any more info, just PM me. If you would undertake this project, I would be a really happy mage :)



Thanks for the patience.

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