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Npc reality overhaul


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Back in Fallout 1&2 all npcs, followers, and you followed the same rules, except for the body part aiming (though occasionally they did hit you in the nads) a couple of these rules were, bullets use ammo and if I run out I need to use another weapon or my fists, I have stimpacks but only a few and I use them when hurt, bad luck for you is good for me (critical failures are hilarious and useful) and most of all drugs make the man; so when in doubt drug it out these are things that made Fallout special and way ahead of its time, so now why does it make sense to just throw a random person a gun and they can use it forever, and also they regenerate after most battles unless crippled, and don;t level up (followers only).

I am requesting a mod that puts all of these thigns back into the game and to undo the damage that has been done to name and sake of Fallout!

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Honestly, I modded a little for Oblivion, but with that outrageous last line of your request, I would never make this mod even if I could. If it is so horrid and damaging, you should not play it.


I think the "realness" of the requests would be fine, but it is hard to believe that last statement.

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