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Tomahawks and One Handed Axes


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I feel like there is a real lack of hand axe mods. I've tried out the Assassin's Creed Axe mod, but I'd like to see more Tomahawk and simple, practical axes to use. My current playthrough is using a Bosmer Hunter, and I'd like a simple axe that would be useful alongside a skinning knife.


Would something like this be of interest to a modder?


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here are a couple of mods that have simple yet deadly one-handed axes in them.


ommgard99 armor comiplation has armors and a few weapons including a couple axes


Jaysus Swords has 53 diffrent weapons swords and axes


Hobbit LOTR Weapon Pack has a dagger, sword, short sword and axe


hope one of these mods has the axe your looking for

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  • 3 years later...

I have both Omegared and Jaysus Swords installed already. Neither of them really have the types of axes I'm looking for. There are more barbaric, cleaver like axes, but I'm looking for one with the narrower axehead like the one above.

Know this is 4 years too late man, but here you go. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36835/?

I was looking for the same reason you were for my ranger hunter toon, this one comes with other weapons but i only use the axe. has tht traditional native american- tomahawk/celtic feel i was going for.

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