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Correcting Tangible Walls


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I am in the process of constructing a fully interior city. As I walk through what I've built so far with my character, the floors are perfectly solid, as are the stairs and doors that I'm puttng in. But I am able to walk through other walls and I do NOT want anybody to be able to just walk through them. Anybody know any ways to correct this and return my walls to a solid state to prevent people from passing through them? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
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In the CK there is an option to see Collision Objects which you turn on by pressing F4, if it doesn't have a black wire frame around the wall that you've placed (some objects do not have this) you can do a couple of things. Place a collision plane or cube just in front of the offending walls to prevent yourself from walking through them. Or, you can try to use a different wall with a black wire frame (indicating collision).


There are a lot of variables to think about, if you have a wall that is the same size that has collision, you can replace the walls in your cell quickly by using the ctrl+F function with that one. If you rather like the look of the walls you've placed, a collision plane or cube may be the best way to go for aesthetics. You can even go so far as hunting down the wall texture, make a new texture set in the CK, and applying it to a duplicate of a wall with collision. It really depends on the situation, if you use the walls that don't have collision you'll need to go back and add that in and end up wasting some time. You may find that you don't mind the time wasted if you like the look.

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In the CK there is an option to see Collision Objects which you turn on by pressing F4, if it doesn't have a black wire frame around the wall that you've placed (some objects do not have this) you can do a couple of things. Place a collision plane or cube just in front of the offending walls to prevent yourself from walking through them. Or, you can try to use a different wall with a black wire frame (indicating collision).


There are a lot of variables to think about, if you have a wall that is the same size that has collision, you can replace the walls in your cell quickly by using the ctrl+F function with that one. If you rather like the look of the walls you've placed, a collision plane or cube may be the best way to go for aesthetics. You can even go so far as hunting down the wall texture, make a new texture set in the CK, and applying it to a duplicate of a wall with collision. It really depends on the situation, if you use the walls that don't have collision you'll need to go back and add that in and end up wasting some time. You may find that you don't mind the time wasted if you like the look.


Ok, will definitely look into that. What's funny is that I've used this same wall that is now seemingly tangible before in smaller constructions and it was always solid. I've been putting a lot of time and effort into the CK in order to try and get a better understanding of it. I'm having fun doing just what I'm doing, I just want it all to wlrk correctly. Thanks for the information. I will give it a try and hopefully this will correct the annoying problems.

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