tankermottind Posted December 6, 2019 Share Posted December 6, 2019 (edited) Hello. I've always loved modding Skyrim, so much that my playthroughs tend to collapse under the weight of their own mods, as I see more stuff on the Nexus, or better stuff, and install it, bloating my mod list further and further until it becomes unmanageable. Skyrim SE is way, way more tolerant of this sort of abuse than regular Skyrim, but even it has its limits. Last time, I had started a playthrough as an Imperial child using RS' Children Overhaul, but ran into issues with conflicts between RS Children and other mods, and because I had so many (309, including the legion of patches I needed) installed, I couldn't use Immersive Children and its SSEEdit patcher to make them all work together (too many masters). So I want to start again, and I'd like some guidance to get the most comprehensive and cohesive experience possible. What I want out of modded Skyrim is something far closer to an RPG/immersive sim than regular Skyrim, emphasizing stealth and survival and making the player feel like part of the world rather than the world feeling like an extension of the player, and also for it to be as beautiful and detailed as possible, to give my very powerful and expensive GPU something to do, but without clashing visual styles or model/texture errors. I am also going for an alternate start playthrough, probably using Skyrim Unbound to make myself non-Dragonborn and avoid the MQ entirely. I will also be playing as a child character again, as it worked very well last time, with only werewolves/the Companions quest truly breaking as I had to make my child character a vampire race due to the conflicts last time. I hope with a smaller mod pack I can use Immersive Children's patcher to make sure everything regarding child races works properly. I also want more continuity with Morrowind and Oblivion, make Skyrim feel like part of the same universe as the earlier TES games. I also generally dislike level scaling and would like as little of it as possible. Since it will probably be relevant, here are my primary PC specs:AMD Ryzen 5 1600 CPUnVidia GeForce RTX 2070 8GB GPU16 GB RAMNative display resolution 3840x2160 @ 70 Hz, so I need 35 fps minimum Here is a slightly pared down version of my previous mod set (with the patches and patches of patches omitted), and I feel like this could use a lot more paring down. I am certain some mods here are just outright obsolete, but without having really participated in the community beyond merely downloading and installing mods from Nexus, I don't really know what the modern best practices are, and thus which heavily-endorsed mods are actually obsolete. Vortex is my current mod manager, and it seems a vast improvement over any I've tried before, so I'm inclined to stick with it. --FOUNDATION-- SKSE 64 SkyUI USSEP FISS FNIS Fus Ro D'oh UIExtensions Cutting Room Floor Skill Uncapper Skyrim Unbound Reborn Cutting Room Floor Rudy ENB --INTERFACE-- SkyHUD ScaleformTranslationPP Less Intrusive Hud II SE WidgetMod MoreHUD SE MoreHUD Inventory Edition Quick Loot RE Oblivionesque iNeed icons Pastel map markers Sovngarde Font Font Overhaul Books and Notes Easywheel EZ2C Dialogue Menu SkyUI Survival AIO A Quality World Map A Matter of Time RaceMenu Food Effect for Frostfall ShowRaceMenu Alternative Lockpicking Interface Whose Quest Is It Anyway Customizable Camera --CHARACTER-- WICO Milkdrinker/Fine Face Textures (male) Pride of Valhalla UNP (female) RS Children Overhaul RS Elven and Beast Children Immersive Children Apachii/Salt and Wind --RP SYSTEM-- Experience Classic Level Up Reflection - Level Up Messages Character Creation Overhaul Frostfall Campfire Hunterborn Imperious Ordinator Path of Sorcery Experience Morrowloot Ultimate + patches Moonlight Tales Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Wintersun --MOD DLC-- Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE Beyond Reach SE --GAMEPLAY AND COMBAT-- Armor Rating Redux Arrows and Bolts Tweaks Convenient Horses Guard Dialogue Overhaul Deadly Dragons Wildcat Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul Archery Gameplay Overhaul AI Overhaul Coins of Tamriel Currency Exchance Medes Currency Mod --CRAFTING-- CACO (Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul) Alchemical Studies Book Ars Metallica Mainland Stalhrim --ENVIRONMENT-- Cathedral Weathers Cathedral Landscapes No Snow Under the Roof Better Dynamic Snow/Ash Fluffy Snow Ashbound Wet and Cold Cathedral Water --CREATURES-- Advanced Adversary Encounters Animallica SE Watchers Wraiths The Blood Horker Squirrels Splendor Ogroids More Werewolves Karstaag Goblins Magetta Colossus Diverse Werewolves Cliff Racers Cats in Skyrim Cannibal Draugr on Solstheim Boars Soul Trees Birds of Skyrim OR SkyBirds --FOLLOWERS-- Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks Kaiha Inigo Convenient Horses Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions --MAGIC-- Summermyst Apocalypse (Thunderchild?) --PLAYER HOME-- Mannequin Stay Put --EQUIPMENT-- Belt-Fastened Quivers AMidianBorn Book of Silence Elven Weapon for Silence LeanWolf's Better Shaped Weapons TL Elven Armor Vvardenfell Glass SkyHide Immersive Armors Common Clothes and Armors Rustic Clothes Authentic Legion Skyforge Shields Opulent Outfits Winter is Coming Cloaks of Skyrim The Rings of Old JS Circlet Replacer Immersive Jewelry + male earrings Guards Armor Replacer Guards Armor Replacer - Alternate Whiterun Shield Real Bows Alternate Elven Blades Replacer Skyroge Weapons SSE Royal Armory Lore Weapon Expansion InsanitySorrow Weapons Pack Heavy Armory --AUDIO-- Audio Overhaul for Skyrim Immersive Sounds Compendium --CITIES, TOWNS, AND WORLD-- Quaint Raven Rock Better Tel Mithryn Holds The City Overhaul (with patches) Warzones: Civil Unrest Lively Inns and Taverns More Bandit Camps --SHOP TILL YOU DROP-- Morrowind Imports Khajiits Steal Too - Caravan Fences --QUESTS AND STUFF TO DO-- Missives Open Civil War Civil War Aftermath Voyage to the Dreamborne Isles Vigilant Konariik's Accoutrements --SHOPS-- Morrowind Imports Khajiit Steal Too --NPC-- Lore Worthy Bandits Interesting NPCs Better Civil War Guards --VISUAL-- Realistic Lighting Overhaul VioLens Voltage Embers HD Wet and Cold Rudy HQ Lights Unread Books Glow SSE Smoking Torches and Candles --MODELS AND TEXTURES-- Enhanced Blood Textures Noble Skyrim Underground Spice of Life - Orc Longhouses Stunning Statues of Skyrim White Phial Replacer High Quality Food and Ingredients XxA-PxX (Awesome Potions) SE Training Dummies 2K Texture Replacer Kajuan's creature skins and horn candle Gamwich's Rustic Daedra, Clothing, Frostbite Spider, Azura's Star, Forsworn, Spriggan, Elder Scroll, Death Hound/Gargoyle, Dragon Corpse, Furniture, Windows. Rugnarok, Peltapalooza Morrowind-Like Soul Gems Rudy HQ Pottery Green, Imperial Candles, Hay, Falling Leaves and Needles LoD7995's HD Sovngarde and Soul Cairn mathy79's Skyrim 3D series (except trees and plants), farmhouse door Septim - a coin retexture Medieval Torch JS Dragon Claws Horn ClearanceClarence's Alduin's Wall, For Dawnguard Reborn, HQ Carts, Castle Volkihar Reborn HD Hand Made Signs Project Overhaul HQ Executioner's Block FranklyHD Dawnguard, Thieves Guild, Nightingale, Dawnguard Detailed Chests Texture Replacers SE Designs of the Nords Cloaks of the Nords Burned Corpse UHD Book Covers Skyrim SE and Lost Library Blended Roads Auriel's Bow HD Edited December 6, 2019 by tankermottind Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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