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Curie Going Back to Vault 81


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She does this as along as she isn't my traveling companion. My Curie is Synth form. I have tried the console commands that allow her to become a companion, but then when I send her to a new settlement she won't stay. I am just wondering if there is a permanent fix for this or if I'll need to just go back to 81 to get her. Any help would be appreciated. I know how to get her back as a comp., just need a way to keep her in settlements.


I have tried every thing I know, the console, bat files. But when I release her as a companion i can't reassign her and she automatically starts heading back to the Vault.

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So I have installed AmazingFollowerTweaks to reassign Curie to other settlements. The mod is working, just as the game works. It will allow me to assign Curie anywhere I like. The problem is, no matter where she is assigned, going to here original Vault 81 home is overriding any new assignments I give her. I am looking at her in AFT and I know she has been reassigned, but the game is ignoring that. Is there a way to go in and chage what she recognizes as her original home? I thought if I could do that then perhaps I can at least get her to stay in one settlement I want.

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Pretty sure I got it figured it out turns out it was a mod that broke her. It was a settlement mod and somehow, assigning her to that settlement broke her. So the good news is I no longer have the bug, bad news I lost 5 days of game time. I am pretty sure I got the right mod just because Curie works fine in any save prior to that mod. She's broke in any save that took place after assigning her there.

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Its a vanilla bug - I used to get it sometimes, even before I modded.


When she first follows you in Vault 81, she can get 'hung up' on stuff, and she falls behind. If you get to the room with the doctor and the sick boy BEFORE she gets there, and the dialogue with those people activates, then you get the bug. In other words, if she isn't close enough to hear that conversation, she gets stuck going back to Vault 81 forever.

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