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no this is stupid the guns ya but light sabers no this mod is one way ticket to ruining the game the light saber would have to pown=cheep. this is the gritty future not star wars next thers going to be a x wing on the roof of tenpenny tower that will take you to dagoba or sumthing.
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yeah that's the main reason for it is to make a total conversion mod, and who's to say we can't go into a more "dark and gritty" angle in star wars, they've already been starting to explore that sort of thing. important part is to keep the jedi out of it, and focus on the average joes and the likes of, Black Sun, the Empire, etc,
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The lightsaber could still work for average people, as long as they knew how to use a sword really REALLY well so they don't kill them selves, and a total conversion would be nice but imagine a mod that after the story line is completed the Empire lands on Earth and starts a quest for domination on our world. The Rebel Alliance steps in to help us, the people of Earth, the Enclave could side with the Empire and The Brotherhood with the Rebel Alliance it would be glorious new Rebel Alliance quests and random encounters.
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problem is the sheer difference in power, I mean the Enclave could get worfed (beaten to a pulp by the empire to show how bada$$ the empire is) but the empire has so many stormtroopers, sophisticated ground vehicles and orbital strikes that would make the Great War look like a church picnic,


about the only thing the brotherhood would be able to offer the rebels is manpower, and manpower has been repeatedly stated as being a big problem for the brotherhood, their main advantage has always been their technology, but compared to the Empire and Rebellion they are cavemen, granted the Ewoks did manage to play an important role in the battle of endor, to distract the Imperial forces, but they had the advantage of numbers, surprise, and so forth since only a single platoon of stormtroopers were deployed at the bunker.


the best way is to have more of a proxy battle with an emphasis on small scale skirmishes and Espionage, but the overlying question is why would the empire with millions of worlds, quintillions of troops, and an entire galaxy to run, focus resources on attacking a single lonely old planet earth, especially the fallout earth.


unless of course the Wormhole that connects our two galaxies somehow miraculously appears right smack dab in front of earth like the Bajoran Wormhole in Deep Space nine and they want to use Earth as a foothold within our galaxy for more complete conquest.


I think I might have just beat my own argument :P

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