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Basic mods

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Depends on how you want to play.


I played without mods the first time, and now I play with a ton of mods. I like playing more survivalist, so the ones I care about the most are:


iNeed - so you need to eat sleep and drink water

Amazing Follower Tweaks - better interaction with followers

Frostfall - so the temperature matters

Campfire - so you can camp

A Quality World Map - to make the map have roads, mostly

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - the vanilla dialogue gets stale; adds some original dialogue that they removed from the game

RaceMenu - changes the character creator menu to be easier to use

ShowRaceMenu PreCacheKiller - so your game doesn't crash when you open the race menu

SkyUI - makes sorting inventory a lot easier and is required for some of the other mods


Importance not in that order.

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