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is there any one who want to make the enclave/BOS power armor to look like Ironman on the movie? It doesn't have to be MK III (gold in red), Mark 1 or 2 would be good enough for blending with Fallout 3 environment.


That'd be great. What'd be even better would be if flight could be added too ;)

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It irks me how many requests on here jump from "aesthetic change" to "near-impossibility" like the flick of a switch.


Find a middle ground, guys. We still don't have a CS (and even if we did, I don't see flight in the near future.. best I can offer you is the TCL console command, LOL)

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It irks me how many requests on here jump from "aesthetic change" to "near-impossibility" like the flick of a switch.


There's a difference between requesting something and demanding it. Nobody's asking anyone to do the impossible, and I fail to see how you're personally injured by someone expressing their desires. The fact is, we dont yet know the extent of possibilities within this engine, and I'd bet that flight is in fact possible but that's not the point - why should people restrict their requests to only mundane or limited ideas just to appease your notion of what comprises an appropriate request?


It's the mod-makers who ultimately decide what gets made. They pick and choose from the ideas presented here, elsewhere, and those which they concieve independently. There is nothing oppressive, exploitative, or unreasonable about expressing ideas, and shame on you for implying such.

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It irks me how many requests on here jump from "aesthetic change" to "near-impossibility" like the flick of a switch.


There's a difference between requesting something and demanding it. Nobody's asking anyone to do the impossible, and I fail to see how you're personally injured by someone expressing their desires. The fact is, we dont yet know the extent of possibilities within this engine, and I'd bet that flight is in fact possible but that's not the point - why should people restrict their requests to only mundane or limited ideas just to appease your notion of what comprises an appropriate request?


It's the mod-makers who ultimately decide what gets made. They pick and choose from the ideas presented here, elsewhere, and those which they concieve independently. There is nothing oppressive, exploitative, or unreasonable about expressing ideas, and shame on you for implying such.


Hm.. irk may have been a bit too strong of a word to express how I felt.


It certainly doesn't have anything to do with me being personally injured by what was expressed, though. I'm not sure how you reached that conclusion.

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I probably responded too harshly. I was drunk at the time, what can I say! "I love you" is pushing it, but MaXiMiUS, I am willing to say that I respect your capacity as a human being for happiness and suffering, and on that basis will endeavour to give equal consideration to your preferences and interests on a utilitarian basis ;)
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When Fallout 3 has gone gold I think just like shogoki01. It's will be great if player can have Iron Man Power Armor. With +4 to STR, some rad res & NO penalties (like F1, F2 Power Armor). And why player can't jumping, really JUMPING when wear this armor. But every big jamp consume one Fission Battery (like Icarian Jamp in Morrowind, if I remember correctly). One activation "Big Jamp" give you onetime ability to do big jump and landing without damage, so it can be used for falling from cliff.
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