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Hearthfire (Manors) - Display Cases fix


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I've looked all around Google, Nexus and - not so much - on this forum, trying to find a mod that could fix Hearthfire's manors display cases not working properly.

Although these display cases won't be displaying to any one in particular, I simply bought the house and built it to furnish it and pretend I'm an awesome, rich guy that women love. And probably many people won't support this idea because of that it won't be displaying to actual players, mainly.


It simply bugs me that the display cases ARE THERE but you can't do anything with them, other than open or close.



Also, another thing that bugs me, that is somewhat related to this issue and the Hearthfire DLC, is our manors being completely empty. Cabinets, Wardrobes, Chests, etc. Any thing that can have items inside. I'm not one of those type of people that gets random items from every where and places them in random chests or whatever, around the manor. (Like what the developers have done with NPCs' houses/properties.)

What I'm proposing is that there should be a mod that implements some kind of system that fills your house with random stuff, so nothing will be left empty but doesn't go past a certain limit of items in one container. Maybe a custom NPC or a vanilla NPC to do it for you, like your Housecarls. And that it could be customized to only furnish some areas, so the ones you want to furnish yourself will remain untouched.

Edited by JRMC
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  • 4 months later...

I've been looking myself after mods or something that can fix this glitch/bug. You can find em in steam workshop, but not in nexus mods yet. But still I've installed em from the steam workshop...only problem with me is that i can't manage to activate theese mods. I've subscribed/appyed them but stil lthey just don't wanna get connected to the game kind of.


It worked with me before i reinstalled Skyrim, but not afterwards. I had to reinstall it because of the SKSE file thingy. Anyways i hope some of what I wrote might help you :)

Edited by deathcandy92
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