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Last Update killed creation kit! HELP!


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comment pulled straight from the bethesda skyrim forums


Update isn't far off. We're working with getting it up with the folks from Valve. Fingers crossed for Monday.


once you get through all the hate, But tbh they kinda deserved t for being so short sighted hardly takes a genius to say lets release a ck update @ the same time so we dont break anything

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comment pulled straight from the bethesda skyrim forumsUpdate isn't far off. We're working with getting it up with the folks from Valve. Fingers crossed for Monday. once you get through all the hate, But tbh they kinda deserved t for being so short sighted hardly takes a genius to say lets release a ck update @ the same time so we dont break anything



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Now for the bad news

i dont ever remenber making my mod depend on dawngaurd , in fact it was started way before that .

But i am still unable to get my mod loaded in the creation kit without it crashing . after these 2 errorshttp://img855.imageshack.us/img855/8715/77529599.jpg



I loaded up some other mods and they worked fine so im @ a loss as to why its just mine thats affected.

As a test i renamed the dawngard esm and it was instantly asking for it so my guess is if your mod depends on DG your still up s*** creek.







Ok after messing about a bit in tes5edit i noticed above there name that dawngaurd was not above them like it is in mine!

so i take it that my mod is dependant on all the above including dawngaurd ,

The only thing i can think of that i did was create a new monster WIP called a bruxa from a vampire template race , and since DG all vamp stuff is connected to DG in some way???.


so if that or anything else is the problem how do i fix my mod.

Edited by AlphaWoIF
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Yep, I've been testing by loading up different mods in the CK since it updated a short while ago. Any mod that depends on Hearthfire or Dawnguard crash the CK after getting those two warning messages posted above. Anything not using DG or HF open fine. I did notice that Dawnguard.esm and HearthFires.esm were no longer listed in the ini but adding them back in didn't help.
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I just remade my armour mod from scratch and still cant get the 1st person models to display.. Unless they are used a replacer instead of a custom armour...


Biped Objects in CK : Checked


BSDismemberment : Checked in Max and matches up to Nifskope


Skin : Redone and redone again..


Vertext colours and update tangent space : Checked..


and besides "Unless they are used a replacer instead of a custom armour" so the models are sound.. and unless I am going crazy my CK work is fine.. but still nadda! :wallbash:

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Probelm solved

thank you OakRain


Here is how for anybody else



Attempting to load Dawnguard or Hearthfire crashes the Creation Kit.

Edit SkyrimEditor.ini in the main Skyrim folder and find the value SResourceArchiveList2. Add Dawnguard.bsa and/or HearthFires.bsa to the list of files (e.g., SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa).

Viewing Dawnguard scripts is not possible.

The sources are kept in a seperate folder Data\Scripts\Source\Dawnguard, because some of them override (have the same name) as the ones in Data\Scripts\Source. Viewing them in a text editor works.

Another option is to set the value for sScriptSourceFolder in the SkyrimEditor.ini to the Dawnguard subdirectory. However this will make all the scripts not duplicated in Dawnguard unavailable.

One can only load either Dawnguard or Hearthfire data into the CK, but not both at once.

To get both working at once, just add in SkyrimEditor.ini under [General] bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1.

Edited by AlphaWoIF
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