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Don't give bad review on Brotherhood of old...


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I've tested the brotherhood of old version 1.0.3

i had a few problems with the mod so i went to JoopvanDie's mod and made a review with ideas of my own that can improve the mod in my option he can ignore it or take it as option of someone who liked he's mod and thought how can it be better down the road


a few days passed and im re-checking my mod list and i find out i was blocked .... reason from the maker.. i gave him bad review


so here a tip for you just say good stuff on his mod if you'r not blocked and don't add anything bad or any idea to improve


yeah....im a bit salty

but also it hurt to know as someone who always like to encourage other to get such treatment ...

i can't update the mod and i guess i'll uninstall it


so to anyone who like this mod please be careful so you can update yours



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  • 2 weeks later...

So I looked for your review, and didn't see it. Did you save a copy of it by chance?


Candidly I was curious about the wording that was used in the review you gave him. Many people will use wording like, "Well you mod wouldn't suck so bad if you hadn't made this or that dumb mistake." Then when someone takes offense the OP tries to justify it with, "but I was only being honest!"


There is of course the other side of the same coin where someone is just being touchy and gets butt hurt over what is legitimately nothing.

Edited by lazloarcadia
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