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multiple marriages


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search the nexus for the word marriage


You might also take a look at Amorous Adventures. At least I think that was it's name. This one basically comes down to you are the dragonborne and pretty much anywhere you go the girls (mostly girls at least) are throwing themselves at you. Interesting enough there are quests that are involved with the mod as some of your potential lovers ask you to help them with xyz such as rescue my daughter from danger (or a loveless marriage), etc. As it turns out the daughter was about to be brutally sacrificed by some cult and is very appreciative of your assistance.


Surprisingly the mod is pretty well done and you don't get the expected lines like, "You must be the dragonborne i've heard of but have never met in my life. Can i suck your D*** right here in the middle of this crowded inn??" It is definitely not that mod. Rather you are simply told that they find you attractive and would very much like to extend to you the company of their bed.


From what i've heard there are complementary mods from Lover's Lab that extend out just how graphic those invitations are, however the nexus version simply fades to black as the offers are accepted

Edited by lazloarcadia
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