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Havok Data not Working


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I've got a couple of meshes, the vices ripped off of the workbench. However, on the workbench they had no collision (stuff just goes right through them). For my use I need them to have collision data so they can be used as activators. I tried adding it myself, and failed, then asked someone else if they could do it. Their's is better, but it only has a very tiny corner that works as I need it.


Can someone please fix these meshes up to have full collision so they can be used as activator objects?


Vice one

Vice two

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Can't get those files from here but it is not very hard to do.

Import some other static.

Delete everything but the collision.

Import your vice.

Edit collision to fit it.

Select everything, export with your static settings.


I'll try to get to it this weekend if no one else has. Shouldn't take very long.

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I tried that, and it only sort of worked. The collision had holes in it in weird places, and then was too big. My ability to edit meshes mostly consists of stripping parts out, not adding new stuff. I'm learning some, but it's not something I do often enough to remember well.
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