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Kind of clean pool of water


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Please tell me where I can find a body of water that's not as irradiated as the Potomac.


One of my friends needs a bath (or shower but the only spraying water is in Megaton until you repair the leaks) and the goal is to wash in a pool of water that won't require a dose od RadAway afterwards...

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There is a mod that creates a shower on the outside of your Megaton House. It even gives you a short-term bonus on trading via being clean'n'presentable. But I think it does give you a few rads in the process.


There are also a few mods for Player Homes with (non-irradiating) swimming pools.


I think there are mods that fiddle around with the water rad levels, but couldn't name them.

Edited by 7thsealord
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Thank you very much 7th and Panzer. I will google those mods-- Cleanliness is next to Godliness!



I want a good burrito. No good burritos in Japan :(

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