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Real Nordic Body Tattoos?


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Encase you don't know what I mean something like what this lady has here: http://mattrhodes.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=48#/d1p29y6


There's a bunch of non-lore-friendly tattoos of tigers and what not... but how something suitable for the true dovahkiin?

I don't know much about modding but if you could somehow place it with the facial tattoos, giving the option of color and also so not every single npc in the game will have it.


Big thanks if anyone gets the motivation :)

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Well, how its set up, so far as I know, every female uses the same body texture, I'm sure there is a way to make an actor use a different body texture since there are ways to get monster actors to have different textures, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21377, just like there has been mods to get different races to use different body meshes, that I've never got working right.


Its more learning how to use it to give the npc the variant, and I've not gotten around to looking at it yet.


I'm sure I could make up the texture however you like and even get it to not misalign on the seams... and if its just the one npc one possibly could redirect just their texture to it.


If you could eh... give me more examples and the body mesh your wanting it for... I could make several facsimilies and such.


If you tell me what npc you were thinking about giving them to I could probably do that as well, if its just the one, though its probably not.


Or were you just thinking the player actor?

Edited by rarborman
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If it was just for your own use then yes you could do that, but I would not give permission to release it. There are just too many issues there, not least among them being your release would nullify my work which I would not like. Also when I update my mod to the 3.0 version it will morph into a quest/dungeon crawl/boss fight with the tattoos as a reward for the quest, and if people wanted to use your version for the textures and my version for the quest then there would be all kinds of problems with conflicting form ids.


If you wanted to release textures that would use my mod you could make your mod dependant on my mod. You would just release your textures as an alternate texture pack for my mod. Alien Slof has already done something like that with her version of my textures that made them compatible with the meshes used in the better males mod.


Other than that, if you want to release a totally stand-alone mod then you would need to do all your own work from scratch.

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