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Which mod should I use?


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Hey guys, I'm just wondering which mod i should use if I want to make all the NPCs look prettier. The NPC overhaul stuff seems really invasive and stuff.


Are there mods that REPLACE face/hair textures/mesh/models from the general library so that all the NPCs that draw from the same library will also be improved?


I'm liking tktk1's (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12951) work but I'm not sure if he replaces stuff or merely allows me to create a prettier character. Having a sexier PC doesn't mean much for me as I like to play as a male....


Wondering if BFG- Better FaceGen is the same thing?


So yeah, I'm gonna install apachiiHair... and I already have CBBEV3 installed along with the cbbe faces but those are kinda...ugly. better than vanilla but not pretty enough for me. Also using this because it looks hot! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13004#content :3

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Bella's Better Females, Coverwomen are the two that most come to mind. For guys, Better Males is a pretty good one (mind you...there is an underwear version because well, they'll be hanging out otherwise...savvy?) might be a bit model-esque but you can give em a rougher complexion.



Will do! Just clarification, these will mod all existing NPCs too right?

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