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Non-city dwellers who sleep


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Outside of the cities it is quite rare to find NPC's who actually sleep at night. Now I understand the need to keep a guard on watch but does all 5 bandits in the camp need to be awake 24 hours a day ?

How about dungeon explorers, why are they always in the same spot 24 hours a day, why dont they ever take a nap ?

That makes playing a sneaky character quite annoying at times and its just plain silly.

Cities are usually fine (except kids staying up very very late, every day - the bane of vampires everywhere) and the big forsword outdoors camps are usually good too but the big castles are often inhabited by a insomniacs and the small camps are usually quite horrible.


If there already is a mod like this, I apologise. I searched but didnt find anything.

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That would be a bit crazy to poke through, I imagine you'd need to check their AI packages to see if they are able to sleep to start with, if not you'd have to provide them with an updated package and then provide a bedroll or some such for them to actually sleep on. May also require some landscaping to make a good spot. It's not impossible though, just tedious.
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That would be a bit crazy to poke through, I imagine you'd need to check their AI packages to see if they are able to sleep to start with, if not you'd have to provide them with an updated package and then provide a bedroll or some such for them to actually sleep on. May also require some landscaping to make a good spot. It's not impossible though, just tedious.


Many of the bandit camps and such already have bedrolls though, its almost as if it was designed to work that way and in the end they decided to drop that feature.

The mod Belua Sanguinare has a spell that makes people seek out the nearest bed and go to sleep, while it doesnt always work well especially when there are no beds around, I imagine something like that could be made for the camps out there.

I have no idea about how hard/tedious something is to do, some of the mods out there are huge and such impressive feats of work that I imagine someone would be able to pull this off even if its difficult.

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