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SKSE questions


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I am using Vortex for all of my mods and things. I have a problem running skyrim USING vortex but when i use the skse loader.exe everything is fine. If i use the loader, will it keep the mods i have from vortex? im so sorry if this is the stupidest question, I am just not used to to vortex things at all/


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Just remember - once Vortex has installed and deployed your mods - it is done. You can stop Vortex and launch your game any way you like.

The Vortex Dashboard does have a convenience entry to let you launch your game - but it has to be set up correctly.

Go to your dashboard and edit the SKSE entry. Verify it points to your game directory. Click the Make Primary while you are in there.

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thank cheif


Just remember - once Vortex has installed and deployed your mods - it is done. You can stop Vortex and launch your game any way you like.

The Vortex Dashboard does have a convenience entry to let you launch your game - but it has to be set up correctly.

Go to your dashboard and edit the SKSE entry. Verify it points to your game directory. Click the Make Primary while you are in thanks cheif

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