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longterm projects Ideas


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I personally love vanilla fallout 3 despite it's flaws.


I think many of it's problems stem from trying to please everyone. People who remember playing fallout 2 wanted a completly different game to people who see it as oblivion with guns!


When the modding really beggins i'm lookingforward to overhaul mods to completely focus on an fps with accuret aiming and faster pace, no VATS!


But at the sametime i'd love to see projects to make combat completly turn bassed. As soon as a hostile becomes aware of you it goes into VATS. With far off third person view in battles.


And finally, i'd love a mod to make the world more realistic, as in, difficult to survive in, very little ammo/guns forcing you to be much more sparing with bullets. no currency only trading items. Low weight limit-expandeable with backpacks. Guns would have to be much more leathal to justify the rareness. I think this would give it a real scavanger madmax feel!


What would you like to see?

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But at the sametime i'd love to see projects to make combat completly turn bassed. As soon as a hostile becomes aware of you it goes into VATS. With far off third person view in battles.
i'd like this a lot (and i think i'm not the only one). but to make it a bit harder to mod, i'd want a free cam during the turn based VATS.
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