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Bladed decapitation makes body still move for some seconds?


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I watched a Simple History video about how long people live when they get beheaded by a guillotine. I was surprised by the fact that, people's heads also still function but without consciousness, like there is a part where a guillotine decapitated someone's head and he showed that his eyes are still blinking despite his head decapitated, but only lasted for about like some seconds.


There is also, IIRC, a part where a person's body still moves even after being beheaded by the guillotine but only moved for such few seconds. It creeped the hell out of me and wondered if it was real, IIRC i guess it was real.


Sooo, I want some kind of thing like this in FNV, where bladed weapons specifically, if they beheaded someone's head, mostly a clean beheading, his head, mostly his eyes would blink that would last a few seconds and his body too would slightly move a bit. This could be a perfect part for some kind of horror playthrough, but I kinda want this in the game on a regular playthrough, it just seems so realistic and creepy as hell after watching a Simple History vid about that.

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