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Seductive or Saintly Path?


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For those who've completed Shivering Isles:


Did you just forrest gump your way through the Light the Flame of Agnon Quest? Or did you have a reason for your choice?


I like both for different reasons, so don't know what's best, and I don't know what the ramifications of choosing are, either.



So Saints or Seducers? I guess I'm kind of leaning more to the Seducers, so much more fun than Saints. :confused:

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I went with the seducers as well, but I merely joined in the deffense - less work, more shooting at deffenseless saint from up high.


But I placed the flame on the mania side afterwards.. you know, As a sacrifice of sorts :). I didn't realy want to choose sides - I didn't want to do that at all.


I chose the seducers because saint were all like "Hollier than thou". Which kinda rilled me.

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I went with the Saints, as I play an Aureal in my game. Actually, in my Oblivion world, I am the King of the Aureals.


... After all, it is Fantasy ;)


... to actually answer your question, I believe the Saints to be a more honorable and loyal race.

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I aided the Seducers, because the Saints were always extremely rude. "Speak quickly!" "...Go!" like you're something unpleasant they found stuck to the bottom of their shoe, while the Seducers were very friendly and helpful; "How may I serve?" and "Walk with our lord." I went to them, dropped Sheogorath's name, and they fell over themselves to help me take care of business. Even though I'm more partial to Mania than Dementia, those Saints really rub me the wrong way.


Oh, and as for consequences, you will get the ability to summon a seducer guard when you complete the quest for the seducers, or a saint if you do it for the saints. But if you really like the summons, you may wish to pick the opposite side this time around, because later in the main quest you'll have to aid the opposite side, and you'll be given a LONGER summon for them.

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I chose Mania from personal experience. Being on both sides of mania and depression of mentality. I have to say mania is much more fun.


Happy... happy... joy... joy! :teehee:

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I did as well choose for Mania, because it looked much more optimistic...:whistling: and helped the Saints.

As an end reward I got a longer summon for a Dark Seducer Guard, as stated before by Tchos.


With my new character I will be helping the other side, so I get a longer Golden Saint (Aurial) summon. :D

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  • 2 months later...

I am more manic than demented. Saint? hardly. I went that way though. I just thought of a good reason to try it the other way now. I usually try to make good choices, especially when it is a matter of life and death, even if it is just a game. I think that is what makes this game so good is the ability to weave the players imagination into the game. I have found it too easy to get carried away with over-the-line stuff at times and it makes me wonder about myself. An all day fight with the woman in Chorrol who sent me after some magic book and the entire city guard comes to mind. She could box too! Sure it was fun but it cost me the Longsword of Storms on my 360 save. But I digress. You'll probably do what it takes to finish the quest either way.


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