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NIFskope fails to save and then crashes, "Qt has caught an excepti


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I cannot get niskope to work. If I try to save something, I get this error from nifskope:

"Qt has caught an exception thrown from an event handler. Throwing

exceptions from an event handler is not supported in Qt. You must

reimplement QApplication::notify() and catch all exceptions there."


Then I get a Runtime error:


"This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way"


Then nifskope crashes and no saving has been done.


Tried both to reinstall nifskope and c++ runtime environment, with no success.

I haven't found any other topic from the search function. If it was there and I have not seen it, sorry.


I am using windows 7 64 bit and nifskope v. 1.1.1.


What should I do? I can't do anything without nifskope : /

Edited by Ronsemberg
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First what are you trying to save? What blocks(shaders etc) are you using in the model? For what game? and how? also can you upload the model so "we" can see what could be wrong if any?
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First what are you trying to save? What blocks(shaders etc) are you using in the model? For what game? and how? also can you upload the model so "we" can see what could be wrong if any?

It's a static model for fallout NV, it's a vanilla model (nvsmallpropplane01.nif, it is into meshes.bsa) from the game. The same error is given with any file anyway, vanilla or not. I am using the "save as" option in the "file" section.

Tried to reinstall nifskope, the version 1.1.0. It works. It's probably a bug of version 1.1.1. But I think that if this happens to other people but me, we should inform the creator of the program.

Edited by Ronsemberg
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  • 5 weeks later...
This issue has been fixed now with the latest release. The issue was some incorrect version checking for BSSkinPartitions, where skyrim partitions were allowed for previous versions. Specifically this allow there to be two versions of BP_TORSO to be present in the nif, the usual result was a 50:50 split on group partition assignment, even though they were the same partition. Edited by neomonkeus
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