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While fighting one of 3jiou's Deadly Dragons, I got an interesting idea for a killer mod. It would be difficult to pull off, far beyond my skill in CK and modding, but if an expert could succeed at it, it would be an amazing addition to Skyrim.


The mod would be to add in Phoenixes into Skyrim.





Yep, big, flying, flaming birds. Make them use the same behaviors, movements (such as flight patterns), and combat patterns as Dragons, though with different stats, attacks, and sound effects.


I'm sure this would be difficult, but it wouldn't be impossible. If 3jiou's work on Deadly Dragons is any indication, custom NPCs based off Dragon templates are entirely doable. You'd just need to do similar work, and give the "Dragon" a different model to look like a Phoenix (while also making it smaller). Change up the sounds, change up the movesets, etc., and there you go.


You all saw the work done on the Dwemer Dragons, right? What says that similar techniques couldn't be used for this?


Sadly, my abilities at scripting, modeling, and texturing are too poor to attempt this myself. As such, I wish to pitch the suggestion here. If anyone is interested in making this, good luck. If you can pull it off, it will be quite the achievement.


EDIT: Also, if you really wanted to make it interesting, you could also try making this:


Anivia, the Cryophoenix (League of Legends)



Edited by darkdill
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There's this dude for starters, but I assume you're looking for a phoenix-themed monster pack. Might want to ask the monster mod guys whether that'd be a cool idea, there's already a number of crazy new stuff added by them.

I guess it could be worth a shot to ask the guy behind the Monster Mod.

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