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Need help with Dyndolod - Windows wont let me change the arguments


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Hello guys!


First i have to say, that I´m no native speaker, so my writing will be far from perfect.. Sorry for that!


So, my problem is, that everytime i try to change the target Arguments from the Dyndolod shortcut to "D:\Vortex Mods\skyrimse\fertiger dynlod ordner vortex\DynDOLODx64.exe -sse" , Windows tells me, that the written name of the path is not right. What am i doing wrong?

I read the Guides again and again, but maybe i dont get it right.


Hope someone is willed to help me, would be very pleased! And i hope you understand what i mean ;D


Thank you all for the time you´re spending on me and have a nice evening!

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