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The Walking Dead RP


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"Alright Daniel. I'm coming." Logan said as he grabbed his M4. He pointed to the older kids on the bus and said in an commanding voice "Stay here. All of you. Watch after each other. These people are your family now, they are all you have left. Now I don't care if you had grudges in the past, if he stole your boyfriend, or she cheated on you. That shits over, and it's never going back that way."

With that Logan exited the bus and moved inside, with his Carbine raised. He eventually reached the main office and met up with Daniel. "What's the plan?" He asked quietly, trying not to alert the Walkers.

Meanwhile on the bus, Lucy was still coloring in her coloring book while Myles was sitting next to her, helping her color a princess and prince page, while the rest of the kids on the bus were silent, deep in thought about Logan's words.

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Curtis, without a radio, was oblivious to the situation outside the school office. He stood on the bus with all the kids, holding Excalibat in his hands as usual. A few of them gave him odd looks, oblivious to his similar age. All they'd care about were his weapons and the crazy look in his eyes. He didn't care that Logan left, he'd care if Logan got eaten. Seemed to be some stragglers from the horde of walkers up by wherever. Curtis ducked and exited the bus, intent on attracting attention to himself instead of the children up in the yellow beast.


Excalibat was excited now, he got to kill walkers. He didn't like killing people as much as he did killing walkers because people were too quick and jumpy. Curtis shifted his hands so that it was ready to swing. A few kids watched him from the bus windows. He stood up, and sprinted at the nearest walker. He brought Excalibat up and used the momentum to slam his weapon of choice into its head. The walker flopped onto its back and was still, its brain mangled and pierced and bleeding. Black blood stained Excalibat, and to Curtis' ears it laughed eagerly. There were three more to deal with. One saw him and stumbled forwards, its jaw dropping to its chin, its throat letting out a horrible raspy snarl. Curtis brought Excalibat over his head and down, and completely crushed its skull. As it collapsed onto the pavement, the sound attracted the final two, a pair of them that stood within a meter of one another. Curtis rounded off to the right side, so that one was in front, one behind. When Excalibat destroyed the first walker's face, and then proceeded to cave in the entire head, Curtis shoved it into the walker behind it and knocked it over. Without even trying to get up it dragged itself towards him, leaving little bits of itself on the pavement in its wake. It was easily disposed of, gravity aiding the momentum of Curtis' swing, the walker's brains actually fell out onto the pavement.


He walked back to the bus and climbed up inside it. Those who were watching looked at him in shock.


"You gotta kill the bad people. You gotta kill them or they're gonna eat you. None of you have as much experience as I do with them. You were in the gym the whole time. I've been out in the open." He ignored the remarks about that explaining a lot. He didn't see any other walkers yet.

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"We open the door and kill them all." He said as he drew his knife and slid it between the chains around the handles of the door. He put his foot on the door and pulled. The knife effortlessly ripped the handles from the doors and they swung open.


"Fire!' He yelled and leveled his Mares Leg at the nearest Shambler and fired, the bullet stuck him in the skull and parted his head down the hairline.

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The gunshot from Daniel's weapon was hearable even from within the bus. Curtis' eyes widened, and then he shook his head.


"Stupid, stupid, walkers'll hear that, stupid. Smacking them is quiet, no noise. Shooting them makes lots of noise, brings lots of walkers." He muttered. He exited the bus and ran into the school, leaving the burliest guy on the bus to protect them until he got back.


He managed to track down Daniel, primarily from the moaning that the other walkers emitted when they saw their prey.


"Stupid, stupid! Shooting them makes noise! Walkers will be coming here now! They'll see the people on the bus! Stupid!" He said loudly, but not yelling. "Hit them, stay quiet. Why make loud noises killing one when it'll attract dozens more?"


He went into the office, quickly disposing of a single walker before the others could close in on him, and quickly made his way back out. Hit and run tactics would be best here, true to his word, silently. He crouched down low, out of Daniel and Logan's line of fire.

Edited by Flipout6
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Logan had already fired off several rounds, and killed a Walker before Curtis arrived. When Curtis did arrive he was less than happy at him for leaving Lucy and Myles alone. "Curtis! The f***!?" Logan questioned, as he shot another walker, and watched it crumble to the floor. "You left the kids?" He continued, in a calm, yet angry voice.

Meanwhile on the bus, most of the children continued to stay silent, whether they were still thinking about Logan's words, or Curtis's actions, they didn't even know. However some had taken to do what most people due in situations where they, themselves feel afraid: Make themselves feel better with other's suffering.

"What's the matter? Did the baby wet her diaper?" One of the older kids asked Lucy, as she was sobbing due to his verbal abuse. "Mike, f*** off. She's just little." A black haired girl said.

Edited by AGhostdogg10
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Daniel drew his knife and charged, "All this shooting will just attract more." He thought as he dived over the office counter, he came around a corner and a Walker lunged at him. Daniel moved out of the way and brought his knife down on the Walker's skull. He looked around, his heart beating like war drums and he saw the keys on the rack not far away. He grabbed all of them and pulled his knife free of the dead walker.


"Lets go!" He yelled as he vaulted the counter. He put a toe under his bow and kicked it up to his hands, he drew two arrows and notched them and fired, both arrows sunk into the faces of a pair of walkers and they dropped lifelessly.


"Get to the bus! I'll be right behind you!" He yelled as he rapidly notched and fired three more. One after another they each found a place on a Walker's skull.

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"Gave the biggest guy Rodney for a minute till I get back." Curtis said, as he sprinted full-tilt back to the bus. He placed his hand on the floor to run swiftly around the corner, and thundered into the bus, gone barely a minute. He heard the older kids picking on Lucy. He faced them, angered. Excalibat, smeared with black walker blood, gave him an even more intimidating appearance than usual. He took his pipe back from the big guy and sheathed it in its place.


"You picking on the little ones? You that weak? How you gonna face down a walker if you're too cowardly to bully someone your own size?" His eyes flared, partially angry, partially crazy.


"What d'you care, you crazy punk?" An older boy looked up at him, looked a bit younger than Curtis, but was the size of a football jock. He stood up and tried his hardest to intimidate Curtis, who stood his ground. After facing so many walkers and deluded psychopaths, a playground bully caused him no fear.


"Sit down 'afore I hit you." He commanded. When the jock shoved him, he headbutted him and shoved him back into his seat. Curtis bent down to Lucy's level, keeping Excalibat away from her. "Don't let these chicken-s***s pick on ya. I got your back." He said. He still didn't reveal his face out of a strange irrational fear not even he could explain. He stood back up and waited for the others by the doors to the bus, keeping his head down. "Everybody keep your heads down, can't have walkers seein' us, that would be bad."

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Alice suddenly ran and dived through the window, her life seemed to flash before her eyes as she fell to her death ... when all of a sudden a huge stork flew over and grabbed her by the ankle.

Let go damnit ... she cried, but it would not.

Nah just joking ... the bird said as the land faded away behind them and dropped her into the frozen waters of the Atlantic.


The end.

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Melody watched the woman jump out of the window, and figured it was due to Russian mind control. She made a hasty exit, and wandered half-dreamily for quite awhile. She found herself near some schoolyard or other, and saw someone ordering some tall tough guy around. She dreamily moved closer and allowed her hand to pass over his shoulders. She said in her quiet voice,


"Peace man. Name's Melody. What's yours?"

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Daniel ran at full speed towards the bus, he leapt out of the doors and vaulted the railing, his feet planted firmly on the ground and he ran. He knew that if he was going to get them out of here alive they would need weapons and food. He took a spot in the drivers seat and went through four pairs of keys before he was able to find the right set.


"Ok, lets pray this thing works.." He said as he turned the key and the engine started joyfully. He smiled and hit the reverse gear and backed them out, he knocked over a trashcan. "Never drove one of these before, I've driven a Stryker but never one of these." He said as he kicked the gear into first and drove through the school fence and onto the road.


"Ok, we need food and guns. That means grocery store and police station...which is closest?" He yelled out to the rest.

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