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Blender - correct and updated install guide please


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I know there are several guides and tuts out there and there's even a bundle you can download all you need to get started.

Tried almost everything but nothing worked for me (and some other google-users too). If it's wrong programm-versions or errors during import or export, I tried two days using google and nexus too to get blender with nif scripts working.


Can please anyone tell me why I get


"string too long [...]" or "array too long [errors]


during import a nif.



I'd really appreciate your help!

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"String too long" usually indicates that the nif version you are trying to import is unsupported (too new) by your version of blender. Some work-arounds are known for some games, but since I have not used blender with FO4 I'm not familiar with the process.

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"String too long" usually indicates that the nif version you are trying to import is unsupported (too new) by your version of blender. Some work-arounds are known for some games, but since I have not used blender with FO4 I'm not familiar with the process.

Well I tried with a few objects, some structure and furniture ones and everytime I got this message.

And since there's only one version working with nif scripts, I need to know how these workarounds work..


Thank you for your reply :)

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"String too long" usually indicates that the nif version you are trying to import is unsupported (too new) by your version of blender. Some work-arounds are known for some games, but since I have not used blender with FO4 I'm not familiar with the process.

Well I tried with a few objects, some structure and furniture ones and everytime I got this message.

And since there's only one version working with nif scripts, I need to know how these workarounds work..


Thank you for your reply :smile:


I can tell you how it was done in Skyrim. We opened the nif in nifskope and changed the version numbers to Fallout 3 version numbers. In Nifskope the version numbers are in the Header. There are 2 that needed to be changed, 'User Version" and "User Version 2". After that we stripped out everything from the nif that wasn't compatible with Fallout 3 - things like the BSLightingShaderProperty. Anything that isn't compatible will show in the error message when you try to import.


The export procedure was more or less the reverse - export for Fallout 3 and in Nifskope change the version numbers back and paste in anything else it needed.


This was done using Blender 2.49b. I have no idea if something similar would work with FO4. Good luck in your quest. :)

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The "normal" way is:


Import into FO4: Create your stuff in blender -> from blender: export as .obj -> from OutfitStudio: import the .obj -> from OutfitStudio: export nif

Export from FO4: from NifSkope (or OutfitStudio): export .obj -> from blender: import .obj


There are some threads and tuts around, just search for it

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