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Still getting dialogue bug even with seq file


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I had a quest up and running all finished with a generated seq file. I realised one of my quest items was set as an ingredient when it should be a miscobject. I changed all relevant fields in my quest scripts deleted the old alias fro the ingredient and created a new alias for the miscobject. I updated all my scripts, dialogue scripts accordingly. I saved the plugin file and generated a new seq file. but now none of my actors will display any dialogue. I press E and nothing happens just as if i had no seq file. Anyone help on this issue???
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Is the SEQ file in the SEQ folder? If so, is the SEQ folder properly placed in your data folder?



Yes on both accounts. It was working fine till I changed a quest alias option from an ingredient to a miscobject and updated all my scripts/quest details accordingly and generated a new seq file. I didnt even touch the dialogue and now none of my actors diplay dialogue wetehr seq file is present or not present

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