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Valkyrie Armour Mod


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I like your suggestions, and it's nice to have other people brainstorm with me. Freja is a Nord, because I felt it was only fitting, and good idea to adjust her stature in the console. I have Freja switch back and forth with a spear and a few swords, and I am getting curious about the pegesues mod flying around Nexus somewhere. (Sorry couldn't resist)


Always glad to help.

Besides, it's always interesting when characters are given some context accounting for their development.


I use the console for such small tweaks, as well. I feel it adds a bit of variety to my characters (I'm all for immersive play, and a short, quick and waifish thief -should- feel and look different from a tall, brawny battle mage).


Right now, I'm having trouble getting Blender to work. I keep getting an error message everytime it starts up. I have followed lhammonds instructions, but I still must be doing something wrong. I wonder if it has something to do with where I have my OB game. It isn't in the Program Files, but in (C:/) file. I'm kind of getting off topic here in a way. If I get fed-up with it I'll just ask for help.


Hmm. Installing Oblivion in a different folder is actually the preferred solution, especially if you're on a Vista-equipped system ( less UAC stress).


You might want to make sure you've got the right version installed : I'm currently up to 2.47 on both Linux and Vista Home Premium. Moreover, Blender can use Python for extensions, so you might want to check that one as well for future expansions.


For general help and reference, try these links:







And the reference for modelers, artists and animators:


BlenderArt Magazine


Most issues feature tutorials you can follow, and reference material (meshes and stuff) under separate links.

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Make sure to use the TESNexus resources too.



Read the whole thing.




Also, is the only real problem with that outfit the textures and the cuirass too short?


Could you give me a link to it please.


I can't promise anything because I don't even have time for my own projects, with my schoolwork bearing down on me, but it looks like an easy enough fix. However, I do realize it may be that you really like the top shape of that cuirass and want to lengthen that particular one rather than finding a reasonable facsimile to substitute, in which case I encourage you to go for the blender route, which is difficult but rewarding, or consider some nifskope & texture trickery in which case I may have time to help.

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Make sure to use the TESNexus resources too.



Read the whole thing.




Also, is the only real problem with that outfit the textures and the cuirass too short?


Could you give me a link to it please.


I can't promise anything because I don't even have time for my own projects, with my schoolwork bearing down on me, but it looks like an easy enough fix. However, I do realize it may be that you really like the top shape of that cuirass and want to lengthen that particular one rather than finding a reasonable facsimile to substitute, in which case I encourage you to go for the blender route, which is difficult but rewarding, or consider some nifskope & texture trickery in which case I may have time to help.


If I were to mess around with some meshes. I would like to take the belt from the Imperial Legion cuirass as the skirt, and modify the vanilla Elven Cuirass, and turning it into a corset, because it has the texture I want, and change the colour to match the Golden Saint helmet.


Myrmaad, this will take up your time. You sound very busy. When I get things up and running, may I get your help? But you doing it might be quicker then baby-sitting me... heh!

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Make sure to use the TESNexus resources too.



Read the whole thing.




Also, is the only real problem with that outfit the textures and the cuirass too short?


Could you give me a link to it please.


I can't promise anything because I don't even have time for my own projects, with my schoolwork bearing down on me, but it looks like an easy enough fix. However, I do realize it may be that you really like the top shape of that cuirass and want to lengthen that particular one rather than finding a reasonable facsimile to substitute, in which case I encourage you to go for the blender route, which is difficult but rewarding, or consider some nifskope & texture trickery in which case I may have time to help.


If I were to mess around with some meshes. I would like to take the belt from the Imperial Legion cuirass as the skirt, and modify the vanilla Elven Cuirass, make it into a bodice, because it has the texture I want, and change the colour to match the Golden Saint helmet.


Myrmaad, this will take up your time. You sound very busy. When I get things up and running, may I get your help? But you doing it might be quicker then baby-sitting me... heh!



My problem is that I much prefer creating stuff for oblivion than trying to discuss Yeats with people who've never heard of him before. I daresay it's easier to borrow the Elven Cuirass texture and modify it for whatever cuirass you most love the shape (mesh) of, and that includes modifying the golden saint helm to match it exactly. So you're not locked in to the shade of the Golden Saint helm unless that's exactly what you want. To use blender to change the Vanilla Elven Cuirass is a pretty big job, comparatively.


What happens when a female body puts on the Legion cuirass? I've never tried it. I wonder if anyone's made a female version that's true to the male shape?


I found a bunch of the female versions in this mod, which has already got generous permissions. Possibly something to work with female-skirt-wise??



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Great mod idea, by the way... There really isnt enough Germanic and nordic lore mods or otherwise .It always makes for a good topic, alot good ideas are shared.


I was hunting around the net, came across this image and few others



I like the fact the hair comes out of the helm, what would you call that.. double twist maybe? Just catch my eye, I was yeah thats good looking not skimpy and overall balance yeah..


Valkyrie armor

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Nice one, because that winged helm does actually work well with the hair, and without visible clipping issues. Definitely a plus in my opinion.


And for the Marvel fans: with this, a large/extra-large cape and a few finishing touches (lightning and weather-based spells, of course!) you can actually run all over Cyrodill doing Mighty Thor impressions - I was perusing the Japanese Oblivion forums a while ago, and there are some sweet, huge warhammers out there, they're just screaming "Mjolnir". :thumbsup:

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That is a great armour mod. I too, like the hair flowing out of the helmet. The image you have in your link. I also found and wanted to post, but for some reason couldn't get it to work.
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That is a great armour mod. I too, like the hair flowing out of the helmet. The image you have in your link. I also found and wanted to post, but for some reason couldn't get it to work.



If you want hair to show from a helmet you map it like a hat instead of mapping it as a helm. That means you use the amulet or tail slot.

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That is a great armour mod. I too, like the hair flowing out of the helmet. The image you have in your link. I also found and wanted to post, but for some reason couldn't get it to work.



If you want hair to show from a helmet you map it like a hat instead of mapping it as a helm. That means you use the amulet or tail slot.


That'd be the quickest and most efficient way around, I agree.

Just check slot deployment in case you're using third-party clothing, or in case the outfitting revolves around a companion.


In fact, this can be amusing. Yesterday I had quite a bit of fun trying out a witch hat on my right-hand sorceress, only to find she would insist to wear it atop her hooded cloak instead of switching headgear (I didn't try with a large helmet, but I -will- do so later!). :biggrin:

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