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Valkyrie Armour Mod


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That is a great armour mod. I too, like the hair flowing out of the helmet. The image you have in your link. I also found and wanted to post, but for some reason couldn't get it to work.



If you want hair to show from a helmet you map it like a hat instead of mapping it as a helm. That means you use the amulet or tail slot.


That'd be the quickest and most efficient way around, I agree.

Just check slot deployment in case you're using third-party clothing, or in case the outfitting revolves around a companion.


In fact, this can be amusing. Yesterday I had quite a bit of fun trying out a witch hat on my right-hand sorceress, only to find she would insist to wear it atop her hooded cloak instead of switching headgear (I didn't try with a large helmet, but I -will- do so later!). :biggrin:


This is why Meris enchants her hoods with chameleon, then she doesn't have to take off her hat to put on her chameleon hoods (one at time of course, they have different features), and when she's ready to be seen in public again, she puts on her favorite wig -- which changes out the hood. Meris is a natural blonde, and she's wearing her favorite wig in my sig. now if the hat was mapped to helm, she would lose her wig when she put on the witch's hat. See what I mean.


The same phenomena comes when using the sparkly headdresses that can be bought at the Apachii Goddess Store, so yes, you'll sometimes have a hood and a headdress, but if you're enchanting your clothes, sometimes the opportunity for those layers comes in quite handy.


For the most part, hoods suck as a fashion statement, so making them disappear pleases me.

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(sorry to alter the topic, but just a idea)

it would be rather neat to have Odin House on one of the high peaks in the Jerall or Valus mountains. If anyone has heard of the mod the eagles nest, it is very Nordic looking house it would suit it very well. To have Valkyries and Odin himself there, to do quest for him and become Valkyrie if you are female player. Male player become ( Einherjar: After they die, the valkyries, the battle maidens of Odin, escort half of the slain from the battlefield to Valhalla)Odin himself gives you the gift of being a Einherjar before death. Both Einherjar and Valkyries granted special abilities like natural ability to resist weapons, resisted to cold, block, light armor and strength bonus. Mod for nordic players


Odin House



Instead of norse gods, to keep it tied in with continent of Tamriel Nord gods. When designing the Nordic people and culture, Bethesda Softworks took inspiration from a combination of real-world historical sources, including most prominently the Scandinavian kingdoms, northern (especially Baltic) Russia, the Jutland peninsula, and northern Scotland as seen with the nord ability of woad, a substance used by Scandinavian and Celtic peoples.

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Fresh update from the Nexus:


Norse Weapons


It looks good: I'm going to download this and test it out. The relatively small file size isn't bad either.



When I get a chance I too will check this out. Thank-you :thanks:

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no problem...


here is another one Nordic Meadhall


viking tattoos


really there isnt enough mods out there for nords, and have the viking heritage in them or Germanic for that matter


this the mod I use to get more of Nordic/ Anglo Saxon effect more true to historyShdw_Armor Set_Thorgeir and Shdw_Weapon Set_Thorgeir

the normans



those 3 mods will give you, the ability to field very much true history a Dane.


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Revealed: Fashion secrets of vain Vikings


Posted Thu Feb 28, 2008 9:29am AEDT

Updated Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:18am AEDT

Swedish Vikings were much more stylish than the Danish or Norwegian Vikings




Vikings were snappy dressers, according to new evidence unearthed by a Swedish researcher.


Annika Larsson, a textile researcher at Uppsala University in Sweden, says the men were especially vain, while the women dressed provocatively - adorning themselves in vivid colours, silk ribbons and glittering bits of mirrors.


"They combined oriental features with Nordic styles," she said in a statement.


"Their clothing was designed to be shown off indoors around the fire."


The findings are based on the Swedish Vikings who travelled east into what is now Russia rather than the Danish or Norwegian Vikings, who went west.


Until Ms Larsson's discovery in the Russian region of Pskov, near Novgorod - an area used as an Eastern trade route - most people had believed Viking dress was conservative.


Her findings include a blue dress with a train fastened to the breasts with clasps to highlight the figure.


These kind of ornate features in clothing, however, disappeared with the onset of medieval Christian fashion during a time the Swedish Vikings pushed into Western Europe.


"It's easy to imagine that the Christian church had certain reservations about clothing that accentuated the breasts in this way," Ms Larsson said.


- Reuters

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This has the building blocks to become a really good mod, targeted to the Nordic player. I always like historical backing in some form, makes for a little deeper thinking in mod.




Do not take this wrong way if the Valkyries are going to be of more Nordic qualities. A Nordic image typified by tall stature, wide shoulders, long head and facial form, straight and fine blond, red hair, and blue, gray, or green eyes. During the Renaissance blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin were regularly portrayed in literature as signs of beauty, and were associated with noble moral qualities.


It would be hard to see valkyries that are not that..... thinks of Swedish Bikini team

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