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Valkyrie Armour Mod


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Well, this is definitely a very good source of inspiration: nice art piece.


Being a semiotics major, and a sucker for graphic arts at the same time, I like the way the ascension theme is played here: not too blatant, but you can see the transition from earth, the world and worries of men, to the next degree (and by proxy Valhalla - Odin's up there in the sky), with the Valkyrie serving as the trait d'union between worlds.


Pretty good, like I said, and the execution goes hand in hand with the mythos.

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Thank-you myrmaad for bringing this armour mod to my attention, and thank-you XunAmarox for making this mod. You can get this on her site: HFB- Imperial Crusader Armor



My search is over, yeah!!

Thank-you to everyone that contributed to this thread ;D








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  • 2 years later...
Does this Mod Still Exist or has any updates or upgrades been done on this work, been looking for it as a download seems out of date or no longer available anywhere.
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  • 11 months later...

Does this Mod Still Exist or has any updates or upgrades been done on this work, been looking for it as a download seems out of date or no longer available anywhere.


It does, but not on nexus, I found it on some Russian site and I don't even have a Russian font -_- Lucky there's a readme as an internet file so I just use google translate


It also seems some people who are into women with their head & everything can enjoy this mod as well

Edited by laomaster
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