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Britannia 1300 (Seeking a Heightmapper)


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'Britannia 1300' is a historically-accurate creation of the island of Great Britain as it was in the year 1300. The modification itself is the landmass, the landscape and twenty-nine~ settlements (mainly small). A map of the planned landmass and settlements to be included with the base mod can be found http://i.imgur.com/HtTjv.png (you will need to zoom in to see settlement names).


The modification will run as a platform for other modders to develop on, and also as a way for me to develop the land further also by using it as a dependency for future works. Any mods that actually make use of it will be required to run it as a dependency.


In the initial release only the settlements mentioned below, generated landscape and the landmass will be included - this allows a vast area for others to work from. The settlements themselves will not be particularly heavily-developed, and will only contain necessary structures and un-quest NPCs. I personally will release multiple other modifications that develop these settlements into what they should be.


I have created this thread as I am seeking somebody who is capable of creating a height map off of two images that I will provide (the two below). Full credit will of course be given to the person willing to do this.


Images to work off of:

I only require the main landmass of Britain (not any of the islands).


Here's a basic silhouette to work off of.

Here's an image of the part of Britain (in the 1300s) that is required.

Here's an actual topographic map of Britain that you should be able to reference.


It's not an extremely large amount of work, but it's necessary for me to be able to work past the planning stage of the mod.


For anyone interested in the settlements that will be included, I'll be putting them up onto the Tumblr I'm using as a development blog, here. I'll also be making a post there detailing my credentials, for anyone concerned with my quite recent join date to the Nexus.


If anyone is interested in aiding me with this heightmap then please pop me a PM - thanks!

Edited by slothaid
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well its a great idea but you should be able to find lots of height maps and such already via google as its actually a real place.

or look up some tuts on making height maps from real ones



YOU can even use google earth to cap what you want


Due to the way that Skyrim actually makes use of heightmaps, it is extremely difficult to find one online that is suitable. As you can see from the Tamriel heightmap, it is unlike any I have managed to find: http://gyazo.com/c8bb475fdc8470ff92006715a0cb9bac .

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It's not an extremely large amount of work


You're joking.


In additions, those images are useless for anything except painstaking hand-work. Which is an extremely large amount of work.


Here's a somewhat cleaned-up version, but you'll still have a lot of work to do.



I've done some gimp magic to make it look like this



4-shared link contains a large-size TGA version.

Edited by acidzebra
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It's not an extremely large amount of work


You're joking.


In additions, those images are useless for anything except painstaking hand-work. Which is an extremely large amount of work.


Here's a somewhat cleaned-up version, but you'll still have a lot of work to do.



I've done some gimp magic to make it look like this



4-shared link contains a large-size TGA version.


WOW nice job im going to grab that myself ,never know when it may home in handy



here is a vanilla map to I grabbed from google earth.





as for the work involved there are lots of programs that can make decent heightmaps one of which is ( L3DT )

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