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Stealthy Sheathing/Unsheathing


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I believe there is a stealth mod that makes NPCs detect you when you unsheath your weapon such as a sword because your character does it so hastily, and therefore it creates that loud "SHWWIING!!!" noise. :P


Any chance someone can create a mod that lets sheath or unsheath your weapon more slowly and quieter when crouching? Think all you'd need to do is slow down the animation and maybe it'd also be as easy as dragging out the sound effect while lowering it's volume, but I'm not sure. Think it'd help with immersion for sure for us assassin players! :D

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i have an idea to attach to his


hold down the holster button and your character will slowly unsheathe his weapon, if you hold down for the full duration, you will make no noise


really all you would need to do is increase duration/slow down the sound effect of unsheathing , and possibly add 2 variables for the 2 methods of unsheathing the weapon, 1 for fast unsheathe, 1 for slow

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