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Can someone help with a download problem?

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I've been trying to download several mods for Oblivion and have had very poor results. I was using the manual option, and would either be taken to an Error the author has hidden page, a completely blank white page, or, it will pop up a screen say that my mod is being loaded and then I end up dropped back to the mod's main page. A couple of times, I was taken to the server list, chose my server, and was still dropped back at the mod's main page. 3 times I actually succeeded in getting a mod, so i know it's not completely broken, although never on the 1st attempt. The remainder of the attempts the above happened. I then tried getting the Nexus Mod Manager. Unfortunately, I did not realize that the game had to be installed on the machine I was downloading on (my laptop) which it is not, so that did not work. Does anyone know what causes/how to correct this? I download mods all the time from other sites and have never had any difficulty.
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