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A better fix for the neck for male ebony armor wearers


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I have been looking for quite a while for a genuine and good mesh fix for the neck of male ebony armor wearers.

I tried this mod of the user feanbeast, but it didn't work out as I imagined. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4428

He didn't made any changes on the neck itself, but he just erased it altogether.


Here some screenshots:

http://i1069.photobucket.com/albums/u474/ThanatosZero/Game%20Screenshots/ScreenShot4.png http://i1069.photobucket.com/albums/u474/ThanatosZero/Game%20Screenshots/ScreenShot3.png



As you can see, the head is not properly connected, because the neck is gone.


Dear community, if you know of another mod, which fixes the neck in a more genuine way, please inform me in this thread.


Thank you. :smile:

Edited by ThanatosZero
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