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Remove poison effect from a weapon ?


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I've been working on a mod which increases poison dosage (how many hits it lasts) via perks, but I want it not to effect overpowered poisons like paralysis.


Since anything related to dosage seems to be hardcoded, I figure the only way to do this is to remove the paralysis poison from weapon after the first hit.

I'm hitting a brickwall here, I can't see anything about accessing the weapon's poison or let alone remove it.

(the only references to the paralysis poison are in the potion form, and actual magic effect form)


Scriptname SingleUseParalysis extends activemagiceffect  

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
Dispel() ; this dispels the paralysis, not the poison on weapon
;Debug.Trace("Magic effect was started on " + akTarget)

Any advice how I can achieve this ?

Edited by svartberg
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