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Fake Fallout Fullscreen Doesn't Open


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I've been recently having some performance issues with New Vegas, so I installed the 4GB Enabler and Fake Fullscreen, I also run NVSE.

This worked fine the first time I played, but if I try to run it again after closing, it will simply not run, at all.

If I try to delete the .exe file it tells me it's already running "in Fallout_Fullscreen.exe". Which doesn't really make sense, because the program doesn't show up in the Task Manager.

Can anyone help me out? :(

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You might want to upgrade to GameCompanion by the same author. It will still do it sometimes but what normally fixes it for me is either using the Ctrl+Enter or just launching GameCompanion again (without closing it) and it will reapply the fullscreen. Edited by ma1025
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