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SKSE_LOADER only runs SKSE64 once from desktop


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Whenever I create a shortcut for SKSE_Loader (the file to play SSE) on the desktop, SKSE only operates once. I try to click on the desktop shortcut after playing SSE, but I get an error message that SKSE64 is not working. Once that happens, SKYUI and most other mods don't load. Any ideas on solving this issue? It also happens whenever I try to run SSE from Steam. I'm playing on PC with the latest version of SKSE, SSE, and Windows 10.



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You should make a shortcut to skse64_loader.exe to put on your desktop. Remember that Steam must be running to launch SSE or Legendary from a desktop shortcut. Once you open Steam you can click on the X at the top right corner of the Steam page, this will relegate Steam to the hidden icons "^" on the bottom right corner of your of your desktop.


I play all my Steam games offline but this is a personal choice.

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